Výskumný tím PCL – Perception and Cognition Laboratory
Výskum: skúmame, ako mozog analyzuje a interpretuje zložité
sluchové a vizuálne podnety.
Ako to robíme: behaviorálne experimenty, neurálne zobrazovanie
a výpočtové modelovanie neurálnych a behaviorálnych procesov,
Aplikácie do praxe: načúvacie strojčeky, sluchové displeje, interakcia
človek-počítač, virtuálna realita.
Hlavným zameraním je priestorový sluch.
Členovia tímu
Líder: doc. Ing. Norbert Kopčo, PhD.
- doc. RNDr. Gabriela Andrejková, CSc.
- Mgr. René Šebeňa, PhD.
- Eleni Vlahou, PhD.
- Ing. Peter Lokša, PhD.
- MSc Keerthi Kumar Doreswamy
- doc. RNDr. Jozef Jirásek, PhD.
- doc. RNDr. Jozef Uličný, CSc.
- MIPA: Multi-Variate Neural Image Pattern Analysis of Auditory Cortical Processing (VVGS UPJS VVGS-2020-1514; 07/2020-06/2021)
- ASH: Adaptability in spatial hearing (EU Danube Region Strategy & The Slovak Research and Development Agency DS-FR-19-0025; 2020-21 extended to 12/2022)
- Mechanisms of auditory spatial and attention processing: experiments, oscillations, computational models and analytical methods (Science Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic VEGA 1/0355/20, 2020-22)
- Born2Hear: Development and Adaptation of Auditory Spatial Processing Across the Human Lifespan (N Kopco – collaborator; Austrian Science Fund FWF, I 4294-B and NKFIH, 2020-24)
- ALT – Adaptation, learning and training for spatial hearing in complex environments (EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2015 program).
- SPACI: Plasticity of spatial processing in normal and cochlear implant hearing (APVV – DS 2016 – EU Danube Region Strategy (web archive) & The Slovak Research and Development Agency; 01/2017-12/2018).
- TINNET: An Action for Better Understanding the Heterogeneity of Tinnitus to Improve and Develop New Treatments (European research network funded by the COST program under the Action number BM1306).
- Dynamic processes in spatial hearing: Experiments, modeling, and analytical tools (Vedecka grantova agentura MS Slovak Rep. VEGA 1/1011/16, 2016-18).
- SPATT – Spatial Attention and Listening in Complex Environments (APVV-0452-12 – The Slovak Research and Development Agency; 90k EUR) 10/2013-9/2017.
Najnovšie publikácie
- Vlahou E, Ueno K, Shinn-Cunningham B, Kopco N (2021) Calibration of consonant perception to room reverberation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. čítaj
- Klingel M, Laback B, Kopco N (2021) Reweighting of Binaural Localization Cues Induced by Lateralization Training. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. čítaj
- Best V, Baumgartner R, Lavandier M, Majdak P, Kopčo N (2020) “Sound externalization: a review of recent research” Trends in Hearing 24: 1–14. čítaj
- Kopčo N, Doreswamy KK, Huang S, Rossi S, Ahveninen J (2020). Cortical auditory distance representation based on direct-to-reverberant energy ratio. NeuroImage, Volume 208. čítaj
- Kopčo N, Lokša P, Lin I-F, Groh J, Shinn-Cunningham B (2019). Hemisphere-Specific Properties of the Ventriloquism Aftereffect. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, EL177. čítaj