Výskumný tím PCL – Perception and Cognition Laboratory


Výskum: skúmame, ako mozog analyzuje a interpretuje zložité
sluchové a vizuálne podnety.

Ako to robíme: behaviorálne experimenty, neurálne zobrazovanie
a výpočtové modelovanie neurálnych a behaviorálnych procesov,

Aplikácie do praxe: načúvacie strojčeky, sluchové displeje, interakcia
človek-počítač, virtuálna realita.

Hlavným zameraním je priestorový sluch.

Členovia tímu

Líder: doc. Ing. Norbert Kopčo, PhD.

  • doc. RNDr. Gabriela Andrejková, CSc.
  • Mgr. René Šebeňa, PhD.
  • Eleni Vlahou, PhD.
  • Ing. Peter Lokša, PhD.
  • MSc Keerthi Kumar Doreswamy
  • doc. RNDr. Jozef Jirásek, PhD.
  • doc. RNDr. Jozef Uličný, CSc.


  1. MIPA: Multi-Variate Neural Image Pattern Analysis of Auditory Cortical Processing (VVGS UPJS VVGS-2020-1514; 07/2020-06/2021)
  2. ASH: Adaptability in spatial hearing (EU Danube Region Strategy & The Slovak Research and Development Agency DS-FR-19-0025;  2020-21 extended to 12/2022)
  3. Mechanisms of auditory spatial and attention processing: experiments, oscillations, computational models and analytical methods (Science Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic VEGA 1/0355/20, 2020-22)
  4. Born2Hear: Development and Adaptation of Auditory Spatial Processing Across the Human Lifespan (N Kopco – collaborator; Austrian Science Fund FWF, I 4294-B and NKFIH, 2020-24)
  5. ALT – Adaptation, learning and training for spatial hearing in complex environments (EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2015 program).
  6. SPACI: Plasticity of spatial processing in normal and cochlear implant hearing (APVV – DS 2016 – EU Danube Region Strategy (web archive) & The Slovak Research and Development Agency; 01/2017-12/2018).
  7. TINNET: An Action for Better Understanding the Heterogeneity of Tinnitus to Improve and Develop New Treatments (European research network funded by the COST program under the Action number BM1306).
  8. Dynamic processes in spatial hearing: Experiments, modeling, and analytical tools (Vedecka grantova agentura MS Slovak Rep. VEGA 1/1011/16, 2016-18).
  9. SPATT – Spatial Attention and Listening in Complex Environments (APVV-0452-12 – The Slovak Research and Development Agency; 90k EUR) 10/2013-9/2017.

Najnovšie publikácie

  1. Vlahou E, Ueno K, Shinn-Cunningham B, Kopco N (2021) Calibration of consonant perception to room reverberation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. čítaj
  2. Klingel M, Laback B, Kopco N (2021) Reweighting of Binaural Localization Cues Induced by Lateralization Training. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. čítaj
  3. Best V, Baumgartner R, Lavandier M, Majdak P, Kopčo N (2020) “Sound externalization: a review of recent research” Trends in Hearing  24: 1–14. čítaj
  4. Kopčo N, Doreswamy KK, Huang S, Rossi S, Ahveninen J (2020). Cortical auditory distance representation based on direct-to-reverberant energy ratio. NeuroImage, Volume 208. čítaj
  5. Kopčo N, Lokša P, Lin I-F, Groh J, Shinn-Cunningham B (2019). Hemisphere-Specific Properties of the Ventriloquism Aftereffect. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, EL177. čítaj